A Good Friday Story
"Why are you in black?" Paz asked.
"Because of the death of Our Lord," the lady replied. "Jesus will die tomorrow."
"How many times do you think He dies?" Paz replied. "He died once for all, and rose from the dead and has been in heaven alive ever since!"
The customer almost went into shock at the sacrilege of suggesting that Jesus doesn't die every Good Friday and come back from the dead every Easter. She was scandalized at the thought. That's why she, like all the other pious women, wear mourning clothes; and every year at one of the parishes, there's a burial procession that takes the "body of the dead Savior" with the image of the Virgin close behind with a dagger sticking out of her left breast.
One year we even scheduled a service on Good Friday, with music...we later learned this was a scandal to some. For many followers of this tradition, I guess they have to get through a couple of days every year without a living Savior...for them Jesus is dead until Sunday morning. But for those of us like Paz, once Jesus has come into our hearts by faith, we know He's alive at every moment and never leaves us nor forsakes us.
Sunday, we will be presenting an Easter musical, "Victory", in English (in the morning service) and Portuguese (in the afternoon service). And all because He died once for all, to sanctify us forever! That is victory!