Scenes of yesterweek
The Marquis was in charge of things when the big earthquake leveled Lisbon on Nov. 1, 1755. He supervised the rebuilding of the city, with its wide avenues and large traffic circles. He also expelled the Jesuits from Portugal, which I guess in today's terminology would make him "a mover and a shaker".
We were refreshed by the leadership conference, and over time we pray that we can transmit some of what we experienced to the leaders in the church here. We made several very interesting (and I believe, important) contacts during the week we were there. Some of the sights we saw:
In the "I-would-have-picked-another-name" category:
Help wanted: Circus experience desirable
As this picture so graphically illustrates, in these days of high unemployment and economic crisis, if you have a job, you'd better hang on to it, especially if you're working on/from/off of an upper floor.
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