Jackie and Jaime are on the mainland, as I mentioned previously. She took her test results to a doctor there, who told her basically what the doctor said here: there's nothing they can do for her, no medication they can give her. Simply put---for some unknown reason, the cells in her body are dying. Her kidneys and liver are going, and that's only the start of the list of her problems. She was told to lead a quiet life and eat simple, healthy food, and above all, avoid stress. Doctors have given up, but God's people continue to do what they can by praying.
Tânia went to the mainland a few weeks ago to have radioscopic surgery (as best we understood what was to happen) due to brain tumors. Even before she left, she said that she knew God had touched her. When she got to Porto, the doctors said there was nothing to operate on and she could come back home. She was back today and pleading for the opportunity to be baptized and to give her testimony. We'll probably schedule the baptism for early September when most of our folks who are away on vacation will be back.
The dusty, dirty part of the bathroom remodelling work is done. Alas, the wet and not-so-wonderful game of hide-and-seek-to-find-the-leak is not. We had a shower cabinet installed, but the plumber apparently didn't get silicone sealant in all the right places. We had a flooded bathroom floor Friday night when we used the new shower for the first time. The plumber had to come back yesterday to seal around some of the parts. It didn't leak there this morning when I took a shower, but it did leak in another area of the cabinet. Had to make another date with the plumber for tomorrow. We're going to have to stop meeting like this. At least we haven't heard any complaints from the neighbor below us that water was leaking into his kitchen. That's progress.
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