Sunday, My Day Off
A lot of pastors take off Monday as a "day off", a sort of week-end replacement. But for nearly 20 years I taught English, and Monday was a work day. The consulate, of course, is open on Mondays, so Monday has never been an option for a day off. Tomorrow is Labor Day in the US, so I have that holiday and won't go to the consulate. (But then I'll be going to the prison for a couple of hours of Bible study in the afternoon, so I don't really have a day without outside obligations.)
Today, however, is my day off. When we got home Wednesday, we were just in time to attend the prayer meeting. As the church was not certain we would be there, the members were in charge of the meeting. We were also told that we (meaning Abbie, too, with the music) would have this Sunday off. The members will take care of all the teaching and preaching, as well as the music. Another phase in the growth of the church. They're like the kid who has come to realize he can swim, or ride a bicycle on his own, and they know how proud we will be to watch them do it. Days off are nice, I think.
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