There and Back
We had a marvellous time in Rome, and it was educational. More about that when I can get my thoughts better organized . . . and my photos sorted through. Just wanted to make an appearance for the sake of any who are stopping by the blog and let you know that all went well.
Some of you have asked about Jackie. The bone marrow test was only done last week, and it will be another two weeks before the results are back. One of her doctors tells her she has cancer in the blood, but it's not leukemia. He ordered this test to confirm his suspicions. One of the doctors looked at the last test results and basically said that according to the numbers she should be on her death bed. The results were "terrible". He couldn't imagine her looking so well. She's even started driving again.
The church here has been praying for God to demonstrate His mighty power in this case, that many others would glorify His name. We thank the Lord for all of you who join with us in prayer for Jackie.
More about Rome in the next day or two.
amém, seguimos em oração conjunta!
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