Speaking of "real money"
There are no Biblical prophecies of this event, but I can think of many prophecies in the Bible that were unbelievable when they were given. Their fulfilment left observers in amazement. In our services at church, I am coming to the end of a series of studies through the Book of Revelation. As I said after the tsunami hit at Christmas, I would say again now, according to the prophecies we read there, "we ain't seen nothin' yet." While we pray for those currently affected, and those involved in aiding them, let us also pray that our hearts will be prepared in faith for what is still ahead.
I haven't posted this week due to a heavy workload of translations, and in the past hour, I was informed of three more jobs. If I disappear off the blog radar for a few days, bear with me.
Update:---Abbie's sister lives at McComb, Miss., and they rode out the storm. Trees were down all around them and utilities are out, but they and their house are intact. A dear former missionary and his wife, Eldwyn and June Rogers, live at Wiggins, which was right in the storm's path. Word today is that they had gone to Arkansas to visit a daughter a few days before the storm, not knowing about its coming. They are safe, of course, but they still don't know about their house.
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